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Sale of alienation rights
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Basic sell
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Commercial property sale
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Seized land
Land plots (rent)
Land plots (sale)
Great privatization
Lease of state and communal property
Sale of assets of state banks
Lease or rights to use property according to regulations
Small privatization
Sale of raw wood
Registry acting entity
Asset holder
Authorized management body
Body for the protection of cultural heritage
ID number
Country and identification type
Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AE-ACCI) (United Arab Emirates (the))
Abu Dhabi Commercial Directory (AE-ADCD) (United Arab Emirates (the))
Ajman Free Zone Authority (AE-AFZ) (United Arab Emirates (the))
Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AE-DCCI) (United Arab Emirates (the))
Dubai Financial Services Authority (AE-DFSA) (United Arab Emirates (the))
Dubai International Financial Centre (AE-DIFC) (United Arab Emirates (the))
Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (AE-DMCC) (United Arab Emirates (the))
Fujairah Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AE-FCCI) (United Arab Emirates (the))
Fujairah Free Zone Company Listing (AE-FFZ) (United Arab Emirates (the))
Hamriyah Free Zone Authority (AE-HFZA) (United Arab Emirates (the))
Ras al-Khaimah Investment Authority (AE-RAKIA) (United Arab Emirates (the))
Ras al-Khaimah Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AE-RK_CR) (United Arab Emirates (the))
Sharjah Airport International Free Zone (AE-SAIF) (United Arab Emirates (the))
Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AE-SCCI) (United Arab Emirates (the))
Umm al-Quwain Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AE-UQCCI) (United Arab Emirates (the))
Afghanistan Central Business Registry (AF-CBR) (Afghanistan)
Ministry of Economy NGO Department (AF-MOE) (Afghanistan)
The National Centre of Community Organisations (Argentina) (AR-CENOC) (Argentina)
Unique Tax Identification Code (Argentina) (AR-CUIT) (Argentina)
Austria Company Register (AT-FB) (Austria)
VAT number (Austria Company Register) (AT-UID) (Austria)
Australian Business Register (AU-ABN) (Australia)
Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (AU-ACNC) (Australia)
State Register of Commercial Entities (Ministry of Taxes of Azerbaijan Republic) (AZ-IVI) (Azerbaijan)
Bangladesh NGO Affairs Bureau (BD-NAB) (Bangladesh)
Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (BE-BCE_KBO) (Belgium)
Au Greffe du Tribunal de Commerce Francophone de Bruxelles (BE-GTCF) (Belgium)
Commercial Register (BG-EIK) (Bulgaria)
Unique Tax Identifier (BJ-IFU) (Benin)
Companies and Intellectual Property Authority (Botswana) (BW-CIPA) (Botswana)
Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs (Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus) (BY-ADR) (Belarus)
Corporations Canada (CA-CC) (Canada)
Canadian Revenue Agency (CA-CRA_ACR) (Canada)
List of legal department legalNames (Government of Canada) (CA-GOV) (Canada)
Corporate Registry Office (CA_AB-ABT) (Canada)
British Columbia Corporate Registry (CA_BC-BRC_CBR) (Canada)
Manitoba Companies Office, Department of Entrepreneurship, Training and Trade (CA_MB-MTB) (Canada)
Corporate Registry (CA_NB-NWB_NOB) (Canada)
Registry of Companies, Department of Government Services (CA_NL-NFL_TNL) (Canada)
Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies (CA_NS-NVS_NVE) (Canada)
Canadian Provincial Corporate Registration - Northwest Territories (CA_NT-NWT_TNO) (Canada)
Nunavut Department of Justice - Corporate Registries (CA_NU-NNV) (Canada)
ServiceOntario, Ministry of Government Services (CA_ON-ONT) (Canada)
Prince Edward Island Corporate (CA_PE-PEI_IPE) (Canada)
Quebec Business Registrar (CA_QC-QBC) (Canada)
Saskatchewan Corporate Registry (CA_SK-SKN) (Canada)
Yukon Corporate Affairs (CA_YT-YKT) (Canada)
Commercial Registry, Federal Office of Justice (Switzerland) (CH-FDJP) (Switzerland)
State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) (CN-SAIC) (China)
Bogota Chamber of Commerce (CO-CCB) (Colombia)
Unified Commercial and Social Registry (RUES) (CO-RUE) (Colombia)
Cyprus Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver (DRCOR) (CY-DRCOR) (Cyprus)
Tax ID (DI\u010C) Czech Republic (CZ-DIC) (Czechia)
Access to Registers of Economic Subjects (CZ-ICO) (Czechia)
Common Register Portal of the German Federal States (CRP). Deprecated (DE-CR) (Germany)
Common Register Portal of the German Federal States (CRP) (DE-CRP) (Germany)
Danish Central Business Register (DK-CVR) (Denmark)
e-Business Register (Estonia) (EE-KMKR) (Estonia)
Centre of Registers and Information Systems (RIK) (EE-RIK) (Estonia)
Ministry of Social Solidarity and Justice (Egypt) (EG-MOSS) (Egypt)
Common Directory of Organizational Units and Offices - DIR3 (ES-DIR3) (Spain)
Central Commercial Register of the Kingdom of Spain (ES-RMC) (Spain)
Charities and Societies Agency (Ethiopia) (ET-CSA) (Ethiopia)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (ET-MFA) (Ethiopia)
Ministry of Trade (Ethiopia) (ET-MOT) (Ethiopia)
Finnish Patent and Registration Office (FI-PRO) (Finland)
The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (FR-INSEE) (France)
Trade and Companies Register (FR-RCS) (France)
Charity Commission (GB-CHC) (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the))
Companies House (GB-COH) (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the))
Register of Schools (England and Wales) (GB-EDU) (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the))
Government Organisation Register (GB-GOR) (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the))
UK Government Departments Reference Numbers (IATI Standard) (GB-GOV) (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the))
GOV.UK - UK Government Departments, Agencies & Public Bodies (GB-GOVUK) (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the))
Schools Plus, Department of Education (Northern Ireland) (GB-IRN) (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the))
Local Authorities for England Register (GB-LAE) (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the))
Scottish Local Authority Register (GB-LAS) (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the))
Mutuals Public Register (GB-MPR) (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the))
NHS Digital - Organisation Data Service (GB-NHS) (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the))
The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland (GB-NIC) (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the))
Principal Local Authority Register for Wales (GB-PLA) (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the))
HM Revenue and Customs (GB-REV) (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the))
Scottish Charity Register (GB-SC) (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the))
Registered Social Housing Providers (England) (GB-SHPE) (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the))
UK Register of Learning Providers (GB-UKPRN) (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the))
Register of Entrepreneurial and Non-Entrepreneurial Legal Entities, Georgia (GE-NAPR) (Georgia)
Guernsey Registry (GG-RCE) (Guernsey)
Department of Social Developments (GH-DSW) (Ghana)
Hong Kong Companies Register (HK-CR) (Hong Kong)
Croatian Court Business Register (HR-MBS) (Croatia)
Croatia Court Register (HR-OIB) (Croatia)
Information and Electronic Company Registration Service (HU-AFA) (Hungary)
Ministry of Home Affairs (ID-KDN) (Indonesia)
Ministry of Justice & Human Rights (ID-KHH) (Indonesia)
Ministry of Foreign affairs (ID-KLN) (Indonesia)
Indonesia - NGOs registered at Provinicial Level (ID-PRO) (Indonesia)
The SMERU Research Institute (ID-SMR) (Indonesia)
Charities Regulatory Authority of Ireland (IE-CHY) (Ireland)
Irish CompaniesRegistration Office (IE-CRO) (Ireland)
Registrar of Companies (Israel) (IL-ROC) (Israel)
Isle of Man Companies Registry (IM-CR) (Isle of Man)
Isle of Man Index of Registered Charities (IM-GR) (Isle of Man)
Government of India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs (IN-MCA) (India)
Ministry of Home Affairs (India) Foreign Contributions (Regulation) Act Register (IN-MHA) (India)
Italian Tax Code / VAT Number (IT-CF) (Italy)
Business Register of the Italian Chambers of Commerce (IT-RI) (Italy)
Jersey Financial Services Commission (JFSC) (JE-FSC) (Jersey)
Jersey Overseas Aid Commission (JE-OAC) (Jersey)
Companies Control Department (Jordan) (JO-CCD) (Jordan)
Register of Associations, Jordan (JO-MSD) (Jordan)
National Tax Agency Corporate Number Publication Site (JP-JCN) (Japan)
NGO's Coordination Board (KE-NCB) (Kenya)
Registar of Companies (KE-RCO) (Kenya)
Registrar of Societies (KE-RSO) (Kenya)
Electronic database of legal entities and branches (Krygyzstan) (KG-ID) (Kyrgyzstan)
Kyrgyz Republic Register of Legal Entities (KG-INN) (Kyrgyzstan)
Business Identification Number (BIN) (KZ-BIN) (Kazakhstan)
Lebanese Ministry of Justice, Commercial Register (LB-CR) (Lebanon)
Ministry of Interior (Lebanon) (LB-MOI) (Lebanon)
Lesotho Council of Non Governmental Organisations (LS-LCN) (Lesotho)
Lithuania Register of Legal Entities (LT-PVM) (Lithuania)
Information Platform of Legal Entities (Lithuania) (LT-RC) (Lithuania)
Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia (LV-RE) (Latvia)
Legal entity registration number (IDNO) Moldova (MD-IDNO) (Moldova (the Republic of))
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Mali (ML-CCIM) (Mali)
Tax Identification Number (ML-NIF) (Mali)
Ministry of Home Affairs - Central Committee for the Registration and Supervision of Organisations (MM-MHA) (Myanmar)
Companies and Businesses Registration Integrated System, Mauritius (MU-CR) (Mauritius)
The Council for Non Governmental Organisations in Malawi (MW-CNM) (Malawi)
Malawi Revenue Authority (MW-MRA) (Malawi)
NGO Board of Malawi (MW-NBM) (Malawi)
Registrar General, Department of Justice (MW-RG) (Malawi)
Budget Classification of Public Entities (Mexico) (MX-CPA) (Mexico)
Federal Taxpayers Registry (MX-RFC) (Mexico)
Companies Commission of Malaysia (MY-SSM) (Malaysia)
Mozambique Commercial Registry (MZ-CR) (Mozambique)
Mozambique Ministry of Justice (MZ-MOJ) (Mozambique)
Taxpayer Single Identification Number (Mozambique) (MZ-NUIT) (Mozambique)
Bureau of Public Procurement (BPP) Contractor Registration System (Nigeria) (NG-BPP) (Nigeria)
Nigerian Corporate Affairs Commission (NG-CAC) (Nigeria)
Chamber of Commerce (Netherlands) (NL-KVK) (Netherlands (the)) Web Metadata Standard (NL-OWMS) (Netherlands (the))
Brønnøysundregistrene (NO-BRC) (Norway)
Company Registrar Office (NP-CRO) (Nepal)
Social Welfare Council Nepal (NP-SWC) (Nepal)
Peruvian National Superintendency of Public Registries - Registered Legal Entities (PE-SUNARP) (Peru)
Securities and Exchange Commission (Philippines) (PH-SEC) (Philippines (the))
Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy (PK-PCP) (Pakistan)
Pakistan Voluntary Social Welfare Agency (PK-VSWA) (Pakistan)
The National Court Register (Poland) (PL-KRS) (Poland)
Tax Identification Number (Poland) (PL-NIP) (Poland)
REGON - Statistical number of an economy entity (PL-REGON) (Poland)
Ministry of Interior (Palestine) (PS-MOI) (Palestine, State of)
Portal of Public Services (PT-NIPPC) (Portugal)
Classification of Entities in the National Budget for Paraguay (PY-PGN) (Paraguay)
Unique Taxpayer Registry, Paraguay (PY-RUC) (Paraguay)
National Trade Register (Romania) (RO-CUI) (Romania)
Serbian Business Registrations Agency (RS-APR) (Serbia)
Tax identification number register (RS-PIB) (Serbia)
Uniform State Register of Legal Entities of Russian Federation (RU-INN) (Russian Federation (the))
Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE), Russian Federation (RU-OGRN) (Russian Federation (the))
Bolagsverket (SE-BLV) (Sweden)
Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (Sweden) (SE-KK) (Sweden)
Business Registration Number (Organisationsnummer), Sweden (SE-ON) (Sweden)
Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) (SG-ACRA) (Singapore)
Slovenian Business Register (SI-PRS) (Slovenia)
Tax Identification Number (Slovenia) (SI-TIN) (Slovenia)
Ministry of Justice Business Register (SK-ORSR) (Slovakia)
Slovakia Ministry Of Interior Trade Register (SK-ZRSR) (Slovakia)
National Identification Number of Companies and Associations (NINEA), Senegal (SN-NINEA) (Senegal)
South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (SS-RRC) (South Sudan)
MERSIS - Central Trade Registry System (TR-MERSIS) (Turkey)
Department of Associations (Ministry of Interior, Turkey) (TR-MOI) (Turkey)
Tanzania Business Registrations and Licensing Agency (TZ-BRLA) (Tanzania, United Republic of)
Tanzania Revenue Agency (TZ-TRA) (Tanzania, United Republic of)
NGO Board, Ministry of Internal Affairs (UG-NGB) (Uganda)
Registration Services Bureau (UG-RSB) (Uganda)
Corporation registration is the responsibility of each state (see link) (US-DOS) (United States of America (the))
Employer Identification Number - Internal Revenue Service (US-EIN) (United States of America (the))
Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies (US-USAGOV) (United States of America (the))
United State Register of Corporate Entites (UZ-KTUT) (Uzbekistan)
Example Data Prefix (XE-EXAMPLE) ()
Economic Operators Identification and Registration system (XI-EORI) ()
Global Research Identifiers Database (XI-GRID) ()
International Aid Transparency Initiative Organisation Identifier (XI-IATI) ()
Public Bodies - Open Knowledge Foundation (XI-PB) (Brazil)
PermID: Thompson Reuters Permanent Identifier (XI-PID) ()
Wikidata (XI-WIKIDATA) ()
OECD Development Assistance Committee (XM-DAC) ()
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Financial Tracking Services Identifiers (XM-OCHA) ()
NUTS - European Union Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (XR-NUTS) (Croatia)
Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) (ZA-CIP) (South Africa)
Nonprofit Organisation Directorate - South African Department of Social Development (ZA-NPO) (South Africa)
SA Revenue Service Tax Exemption Unit (ZA-PBO) (South Africa)
Patents and Companies Registration Agency (ZM-PCR) (Zambia)
Private Voluntary Organisations Council (Zimbabwe) (ZW-PVO) (Zimbabwe)
Registrar of Deeds (ZW-ROD) (Zimbabwe)
Central Registry of Commercial Entities (ME-MNE) (Montenegro)
BVI Financial Services Commission (VG-BVI) (British Virgin Islands)
Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AE-ACCI) (United Arab Emirates (the))
Type of identity document
Join to registered company
No tax code
Company details
Construction and real estate operations
Extractive industry
Metallurgical industry
Scientific and technical activity
Mechanical engineering
Financial services
Company type
Public organization
Legal entity
Private person
Company and user full name
E.g. "Adam Smith" or "The Tender LLC"
Number of the certificate on the right to carry out the activities of the arbitration administrator
The date of issuance of the certificate of the right to carry out the activities of the arbitration administrator
Автономна Республіка Крим
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Донецька область
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Закарпатська область
Запорізька область
Івано-Франківська область
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Хмельницька область
Черкаська область
Чернівецька область
Чернігівська область
Postal address (street, building number, etc.)
ZIP Code
License Id
License Date
License Description
Bank account details
Bank name
Old type
Account number
Contact person
Confirmation of authority details
Contact person full name
Phone number
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All auction types
Sale of alienation rights
Арештовані активи АРМА. Голландський аукціон
Арештовані активи АРМА. Англійський аукціон
Bankruptcy (dutch auction)
Bankruptcy (english auction)
Bankruptcy (without auction)
Sale at the Dutch auction
Sale at an English auction
Передача права власності
Commercial property lease (dutch auction)
Commercial property lease (english auction)
Комерційна оренда на "англійському аукціоні з переважним правом"
Commercial property sale (dutch auction)
Commercial property sale (english auction)
Продаж арештованої землі на "англійському аукціоні"
Продаж арештованої землі (пріоритетне право)
Викуп арештованої землі
Land plots (rent)
Land plots (sale)
Land plots (sale with priority right)
Велика приватизація (англійський аукціон)
Lease of state property (Dutch auction)
Lease of state property (English auction)
Оренда (пер. прав.)
Продаж активів державних банків на "голандському аукціоні"
Sale of assets of state banks at the "English auction"
Carriages (Dutch auction)
Carriages (English auction)
Rent according to the regulations at the Dutch auction
Rent according to the regulations at the English auction
Оренда або права використання майна за регламентом на "англійському аукціоні з перважним правом"
Мала приватизація (голландський аукціон)
Small privatization (english auction)
Subsoil (dutch auction)
Subsoil (english auction)
Wood (English auction)
ФГВФО (голландський)
ФГВФО (англійський)
Вагони (голландський)
Вагони Квоти підтримки
Надра (голладнський)
Надра (англійський)
Деревина, продаж необмеженій кількості учасників
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