Apply for property lease or lease extension Asset RGL001-UA-20210524-66132
Number of bids: 5
Number of actions: 1
Contract ID080ea8034e0d40e2b14e80e59be9c469
Contract's number71
Contract's titleДоговір оренди нерухомого майна, що належить до комунальної власності
Contract's description(not set)
Contract's supplierГромадська організація "Психологічний центр"Пазл"
EDRPOU - 41561315
Address- 51500, Україна, Дніпропетровська область, Тернівка, Чайковского 10
Rental rate according to the contract332.00 UAH (with VAT)
Contract's typeContract extension
Signing date18-06-2021 / 03:00
Date of creation of the object of the contract01-07-2021 / 10:47
The last date of editing the contract06-03-2025 / 11:09
Date from01-09-2021 / 00:00
Date till31-08-2026 / 00:00
Contract's statusCancelled
Contract IDb0c748f421c14e428d5bb43a0cd2785b
Contract's number30
Contract's titleДоговір оренди нерухомого комунального майна територіальної громади м. Тернівка
Contract's description(not set)
Contract's supplierГромадська організація "Психологічний центр"Пазл"
EDRPOU - 41561315
Address- 51500, Україна, Дніпропетровська область, Тернівка, Чайковского 10
Rental rate according to the contract296.07 UAH (with VAT)
Contract's typePublication of lease agreements concluded before the entry into force of the lists in the ETS
Signing date27-08-2018 / 00:00
Date of creation of the object of the contract28-01-2022 / 14:06
The last date of editing the contract28-01-2022 / 14:06
Date from01-09-2018 / 03:00
Date till31-08-2021 / 03:00
Contract's statusInactive
Registry object titleНежитлове приміщення по вул.перемоги,11 (перший поверх) для роботи з дітьми
Registry object IDRGL001-UA-20210524-66132
Type of property assetReal estate
Ownership typemunicipal
List typeFirst type list
Object status in the listApproved
Published date24-05-2021 / 10:16
Last edit time06-03-2025 / 14:26
EDRPOU - 23068809
Address- 51502, Україна, Дніпропетровська область, Тернівка, Сергія Маркова, буд. 9
LandlordВиконавчий комітет Тернівської міської ради
EDRPOU - 05379317
Address- 51500, Україна, Дніпропетровська область, Тернівка, вул. Михайла Грушевського, 5а
Governing entity(not set)
Current tenant(not set)
Cultural heritage condition(not set)
State of official registration of the registryOld registration
Requisites of official registration of the registry(not set)
Decision on approving the list of assets, or on including a new asset in the listРішення Тернівської міської ради від 26.02.2025 №884-40/VIII
Approval of the balance keeper, details of the confirming document(not set)
Lessor's consent, details of the confirming document(not set)
Approval of the management body, details of the confirming document(not set)
Information on consent to carry out current and/or major repairs of the leased property, details of the confirming document(not set)
Decision on the transfer of the asset for privatization, details of the confirming document(not set)
The decision on the transfer of the investment competition, details of the confirming document(not set)
Approval of the body for the protection of cultural heritage, details of the confirming document(not set)
Method of restriction for intended useТільки зазначене
Restrictions on the use of property (prohibited purposes)
Description of the restriction for intended useРобота з дітьми
Additional lease conditions(not set)
Sublease allowedNope
Lease duration(not set)
Market value valuation date(not set)
Information about valuator and compensation need assessment by the tenant(not set)
Link to methodology item used for making decision of lease price(not set)
Other details regarding determining of rental rate(not set)
List of property
Asset : Чистини нежитлового приміщення по вул.Перемоги,11 (перший поверх)Object nameЧистини нежитлового приміщення по вул.Перемоги,11 (перший поверх)
Item descriptionЧистини нежитлового приміщення по вул.Перемоги,11 (перший поверх)
Item main classification04000000-8
LocationТЕРНІВКА, 51500, Україна, Дніпропетровська область, Тернівка, Перемоги,11
Elevation(not set)
The total area of the building, which includes the leased registry, sq.m.
The total area the leased registry, sq.m.33.70
Living area, sq.m.
Kitchen area, sq.m.
The usable area the leased registry, sq.m.
Land area, sq.m.(not set)
Location of the registry in the building(not set)
Floor(s) number(not set)
Technical condition of the leased registry(not set)
Is the leased registry connected to the electrical network(not set)
Power supply, kW
Power supply class(not set)
Water supply is present(not set)
Sewerage is present(not set)
Gasification is present(not set)
Centralized heating is present(not set)
Autonomous heating is present(not set)
Heating meter is present(not set)
Ventilation is present(not set)
Air conditioning is present(not set)
Telephony is present(not set)
Television is present(not set)
Internet is present(not set)
Elevator is present(not set)
Security alarm is present(not set)
Fire alarm is present(not set)
Additional information regarding communications available in the facility(not set)
Information on the availability of separate personal accounts for the leased registry, opened by utility providers, or information on the procedure for the lessee''s participation in compensation to the objetc owner for utility costs(not set)
Information on compensation to the registry owner for the payment of land tax for the use of the land plot on which the leased registry is located(not set)